Date & Time
Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM
Impact Investing 2.0 - Beyond Profits: Angel Investing for Impact
This session aims to provide a high-level overview of impact investing, its relevance and its application in early-stage startups. Topics include the different definitions of impact investing and the reasons why it matters. It will also delve into the different frameworks and tools available for assessing potential impact, as well as strategies for incorporating impact measurement and management into portfolio management. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of how angel investors can use their financial power to do good while generating a compelling financial return.

Matthew Duke - Alamo Angels
Meagan Packard - SWAN Impact Angel Network
Meredith Haviland - Foley Hoag LLP
Meagan Packard - SWAN Impact Angel Network
Meredith Haviland - Foley Hoag LLP
The Evolving Ecosystem
Location Name
Celebrity Ballroom 1