Date & Time
Thursday, April 17, 2025, 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM
Leveraging AI for Real-Time Valuations

Leading investor education has taught multiple valuation methods over the years, and angels have successfully deployed them to reach reasonable valuations with portfolio companies. Two challenges to these methods are that they are time-consuming and varying degrees of subjectivity are involved in each method. The Rockies Venture Club has recently developed the RVC Method that is both quick to perform (especially for angel groups with large portfolios) and has minimized subjectivity in achieving rational valuations. The method utilizes two new data provided by PitchBook or Crunchbase for companies that have already received one round of funding. The Exit Likelihood number and the Opportunity Score both of which are updated in real-time based on an AI model with over 68,000 companies feeding the model. The first one tells us the likelihood of an exit on a 1 to 100 score, and the Opportunity Score gives us a 1 to 100 score, indicating how big an exit can be expected. We map these numbers to typical angel returns and achieve a remarkably believable and defensible valuation number in just minutes.

Peter Adams
Investment Strategies
Location Name
Standley Ballroom 1&2