Date & Time
Thursday, May 18, 2023, 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM
Breakfast Briefing - Angel Collaboration
The seed stage is getting crowded—FFF (founders, family & friends) are following up on investments and (micro)VCs and funds at earlier stages. In this increasingly competitive environment, angels need to secure their position as the best source of capital for early-stage companies. The angel ecosystem must connect and collaborate for more accessible, meaningful and successful investments.
There are many ways angels can cooperate to strengthen their offer. While syndication is one of the most used methods, there are more opportunities to work together. During this workshop, we will investigate and showcase best practice examples from angel group collaborations.

Jeffrey Lang - Desert Angels
Seren Rumjancevs - Dealum
Diane Szoke - Charleston Angel Partners
Kate Tomen - Angel Investors Ontario Inc
Seren Rumjancevs - Dealum
Diane Szoke - Charleston Angel Partners
Kate Tomen - Angel Investors Ontario Inc
Breakfast Briefing
Location Name
Celebrity Ballroom 1