ACA Education – You Are Invited

Leadership Workshop attendees and anyone in the Cincinnati start-up community are invited to attend ACA's Educational Seminars on the afternoon of October 16. 
Advanced Workshop on Capitalization Tables
October 16 from 1:30pm until 5:00pm at the Kingsgate Hotel
$175 members, $250 non-members ($125 for Leadership Workshop Attendees)

Angels face many challenges when investing in startup ventures. One crucial, but sometimes overlooked detail is the impact of new funding on the company’s capital structure. Whether funding comes as equity or debt, the savvy investor needs to understand how this round of funding will impact the ultimate outcome for all shareholders. Early stage investors need to be fluent in the structure of cap tables to understand the impact on their potential returns from current and future rounds of funding.

ACA, in cooperation with VentureSouth, offers entrepreneurs and investors alike a practical education in understanding the details of cap tables through the lifecycle of a startup venture.   This workshop will include a combination of presentations, exercises and a case study to illustrate common cap table mathematics a startup and its investors must consider. Among the important topics to be illuminated are the impacts of: valuation, liquidation preferences, anti-dilution terms, convertible notes, and option pools and vesting.

This workshop assumes some familiarity with basic cap tables, typical deal terms and Excel spreadsheets. (Basics of cap tables can be gained through the ACA webinar on the topic available here). Participants are urged to bring a laptop or tablet computer to the workshop to enable participation in the exercises.  While this workshop has been presented previously by VentureSouth, this is the initial offering to other members of ACA.  Matt Dunbar, Managing Director of Venture South will serve as lead instructor for this workshop.

**ACA highly recommends bringing your laptop/tablet to this program to fully participate in this interactive program.

Lead Instructor:

Matt Dunbar
Startup Boards Workshop
October 16 from 1:30pm until 5:00pm the Kingsgate Hotel
$175 members, $250 non-members ($125 for Leadership Workshop Attendees)

Serving as a Director of an early stage angel-backed company is a serious responsibility. This workshop reviews smart practices in forming boards, managing board meetings and serving as a Director—all with the goal of creating an effective governance structure for startups. Key topics will include the legal obligations and risks faced by Directors, how to deal with conflicts of interest and how to navigate trouble zones (such as managing M&A) that occur during a company’s journey from initial investment through exit. Learn how to add value while staying out of trouble!


Lead Instructor:

Band of Angels